Tuesday, September 8, 2009

8 Sept 09: Menu for a transitional season

And by transitional, I mean changing of the guard and not the trees. We've all been iron cheffing this semester while the new kitchen manager has been away. A little stressful, but also fun. I'm pretty proud of what I managed to throw together tonight.

Baked Tilapia
Still don't have the quantity down. Last week, one box of fish was not enough. This week, I made two and less than half was eaten in the first round. I'm going to take this as a positive comment on the rest of the meal. Just salt, pepper, cumin, parsley, and lemon slices, because we had sauces. Thirty minutes in a really hot oven was not quite enough time.

Chickpea Carrot Burgers
Vegetarian Planet baked falafel burgers, executed by Sasha. Multiplied by 8, which was _way_ too much. But super yummy. Left to one person, this is quite a hussle. They need to bake at least forty minutes.

Green Salad
Overall, pretty weak (greens from Friday's produce delivery, carrots leftover from the burgers). But the poppy seed dressing from Chef Jamie's Healthy Kitchen was very good. Roughly equal parts plain soy yogurt and red wine vinegar, plus poppy seeds, s&p, a little sugar, and a big dollup of mustard. Vegan, low fat, and creamy! Yay! Plus feta and nuts.

Tomato Salad
How can tomato salad be bad? This one was great. Nice Romas, chopped pretty small, mixed with green onions and a balsamic dressing by Sasha.

Butternut Squash Soup
Standard. Not the best, because I didn't have the patience last night to wait up for the squash to cook as long as I would have liked. Apparently, this is not where I should be cutting corners.

Dressed Up Rice
Leftover rice with carmelized onioions, French lentils, and baked summer squash. Monday's cooks keep making too much rice, but they are *so* much better at it than I am, so I just reheat theirs in the oven, fixing it up a bit if I have time. Yay leftover rice!

Cucumbers and Mint in House-made yogurt

Lemon Tahini Garlic Sauce

Banana Pudding Brownies
from the Veganomicon. Times 4. Just right.

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