Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Salmon of Doubt

Rumor around the house was I'd be getting a salmon today, so
I wanted to repeat my old mustard salmon and red wine lentils
this evening, but the fish never showed. Oh well. Still damn
tasty, despite a few complaints about the meatless meal.
Two new assistants this evening, with two very different styles,
but both very good!

The menu:

Salad with Pears, Pickled Onions, and Balsamic Dressing

Soy and Mustard Glazed Salmon

Beet and Tomato Stew
with feta and walnuts

Lentils with Red Wine and Mushrooms
needed more mushrooms

Brussels Sprouts
Halved, and roasted in the hottest possible oven,
watched carefully, perfect. Maybe forty minutes?

Cooked the same as above. Next time, should use cooler
oven if possible. And more salt!

Cauliflower Greens
We tried steaming these pretty much whole, and
it didn't work too well, so the second half got fried.
Next time: chop finely, then steam?

Brown Rice and Acme Bread
Not together

Banana Bread from the Veganomicon
with chocolate chips. Super good.

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