Monday, January 25, 2010


Green Salad

Beet and Turnip Salad with Pineapple Dressing (Veganomicon)
Good, (dressing was great) but as a matter of personal preference, I think I like cooked beets better.

Well, cornmeal mush. Would have been better with polenta, but nice for a change, and the corn goes well with gorgonzola sauce.

Brown Rice for the Corn Haters

Black Eyed Peas with Caramelized Onions and Thyme
I thought that this was excellent. It took a lot of salt, and could maybe have used a little more thyme.

Cauliflower Greens with Garlic

Roasted Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts
about half an hour, the first at 400 degrees, the second as hot as the oven would go. Could both have used a little more time.

Nine Hour Lamb (spoon lamb)
Wow. Took a little prep time in the morning, but that's what head cooks get the extra time for. Veggie Broth, Garlic, Onions, Carrots, Turnips, Rosemary, Salt, Pepper, Lamb, 300 degrees all day long.

Gorgonzola Sauce
Gorgonzola cheese and milk, a little thinner than I would have liked, simmered for maybe half an hour.

Tomato Sauce
1 can tomatoes, 1 head garlic, oregano, bay, cinnamon, simmered the whole shift.

Vegan Rice Krispie Treats with Peanut Butter Chocolate Sauce
Floppy but tasty.

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